Game in a week

This was a game I made in a week, This was also an entry into the Search For A Star 2019 competition. I was given a project which had bugs that need to be fixed along with extending the basic code and game idea into my own.

I thought with the time constraints given the game needed to have enough features to be a good game. The basic game idea is a zombie or pill survival game, you carry a pistol which can let you fire bullets and grenades and the zombie/pill enemies.

There are several modes to play: Survival, Once, Wave and Timed Wave. Survival is never ending, Once spawns an amount of enemies and once they are dead its over, Wave is wave based with an increase in enemy count on each wave increase, and finally Timed Wave is much the same as wave except you got to beat the clock in each wave.

BitBucket Source Code, Apocolypse Built